Social Responsibility

Ruzan- A personification of simple living and high thinking, has a strong faith in the eternal power. Ruzan strongly believes in giving back to the society. She tries to do whatever she can in her own small way.Ruzan’s co. takes active interest in moulding up careers for today’s generation ‘Y’. She shows great responsibility towards the student community by training at least 80 IT students every year in an industry standard environment.During the life taking earthquake in Ahmedabad in Jan 2000, Ruzan’s Co. played a massive role in helping the NRG’s to get in touch with their loved ones.Ruzan was moved by the destruction and chaos cause by the Tsunami Waves that hit the southern coast of India in December 2004. She took it upon herself to contribute to the rehabilitation of the victims. Just about a month later, on the 30th January 2005, she was in the midst of 10,000 people, hosting one of the biggest charity shows for this cause – “Pani Hai Tsunami Pe Jeet? Aao Sune Abhijeet ! “

FICCI jointly with the Lockheed Martin Corporation and IC2 Institute, University of Texas, Austin has launched the India Innovation Growth Program in February 2007. The aim of this new program is to accelerate innovative new Indian technologies into new markets in the United States and around the world. Ruzan was selected to undergo training by IC2 Institute Entrepreneurial Workshop focused on technology commercialization. Here her project called Hastawaani is to make applications which would help the deaf and dumb or mute or hearing impaired to communicate effectively with everybody.
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