Women Empowermant Woman is a powerhouse through which she empowers people with powerfulness which makes them powerfully powering with absolute power. This is Woman Power which, a power woman thus reveals the awesome extent of her power.Ruzan Khambatta Dream To Be Successful Instead of dreaming to become rich, dream to be successful. Success brings Achievement-Respect-Satisfaction-Money. So let us put our efforts in attaining success in everything that we do.Ruzan Khambatta Business Success Mantra The only thing which works forever is customer loyalty. It is more important to earn customer loyalty then to earn money. Money is a short term gain, whilst customer loyalty is a long term benefitRuzan Khambatta Tools required to be successful Your most important weapons are creativity & innovationRuzan Khambatta Entrepreneur Success Mantra: To be a successfull Entrepreneur one requires 3 things: Self Motivation Self Motivation Self MotivationRuzan Khambatta Life Success Mantra: Do what you Like will only make you a successful professional Like what you Do will make you a successful human beingRuzan Khambatta
Contribution to the Society
Ruzan has been invited to more then 500+ events to deliver speeches on various topics ranging from Women Empowerment, Self Defense, Women Safety-Security, Women Legal Rights, Entrepreneurship, Politics, Sports, Budget, Education, Environment. Read More…
Awards & Momento