  • What is Workaholism?

     Simple definition is addiction to work.

     Now it is very important that how one defines work.

For me Work = passion / hobby/ fun/ achievement/ satisfaction/ challenge/ commitment/ success/ responsibility.
  • I get a kick out of working hard.
  • Work is my life.
  • Relish tough and demanding work
  • But yes mundane, routine tasks bore me
  • Enjoy doing multi tasking
  • I experience guilt feelings if I try to relax or take it a little easy in my work. I got to work on this and see that sense of guilt doesn’t overcome me.
  • More important is commitment. If you take up something then it is your duty/responsibility to see that you get a logical end to the whole thing or do justice to the whole task. Do not let people down who have entrusted you with the work. Then only one gets a sense of achievement, success.
  • I always take up task as a challenge or fun or hobby and see that I achieve it for my satisfaction and who doesn’t like success or achievement.
  • It should be clearly understood that working long hrs doesn’t just mean that a person is doing lot of work. It can be that just because a person is inefficient hence he/she has to work long hrs.
  • So a workaholic should see that does he come in the handwork category or smart work category. My major focus is on working smart but yes sometimes due to lack of expertise I have to do hard work. But then that is what is required from an entrepreneur.
  • Time Management

I have read about Dhirubhai, Tatas, Narayan Murthy and they have done 100% justice to their families and also ran big empires. I am sure our own families have in fact given us more time then we really need. They have stood with us in every small need, good or bad times of ours. In fact sometimes over protective and still they are very successful in life. So for earning money or being successful one does not at all require sacrificing family life. One just requires to do time management the same way that our family did. So time management is the key word.

  • Is work = money? Or It is Commitment to Our Society

For lot of people or may be majority people work means money. People comment that one is working because of money. You would be surprised to know that my security guard who knows that I work late nights one day he even commented that you have so much money still why you work so much. I really fail to understand why work is linked with money. I really fail to understand this funda because I think that if one does one’s task/work/assignment well then one gets satisfaction/success and money is always a buy product, which follows. Why do people not understand that work is a commitment we give to the society. Work is responsibility and we have to live up to full fill that. Work is our identity. Work is the only thing that is seen and remembered.

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